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Selection Criteria for Kira Award Recipients


Japan Society of Tropical Ecology

Selection Criteria for Kira Award Recipients

Article 1: Purpose

The Japan Society for Tropical Ecology (hereinafter JASTE: established in 1990) creates the Kira Award to promote and advance further development of tropical research in commemoration for the first director Dr. Tatsuo Kira and his winning of the International Cosmos Prize.

Article 2: Categories

Kira Award has two categories: Outstanding Young Researcher Award and Distinguished Achievement and Contribution Award.

Article 3: Eligibility

1) Outstanding Young Researcher Award shall be presented to JASTE members who have published prominent tropical research. Candidates shall be under 40 years of age. Every year a paper published by December 31st and retroactive to two years shall be considered eligible for nomination by JASTE Award Selection Committee, in principle be already published in TROPICS; however, not limited if significantly prominent. In case of multiple authors, the first author shall be awarded. Evaluation is mainly based on the paper to be reviewed.

2) Distinguished Achievement and Contribution Award shall be presented to an individual or a group identified as having made a particular contribution to the science of concern to tropical research.

Article 4: Nomination of candidates

The Kira Award shall be on nomination basis, including self-nomination. Nomination must be submitted to the JASTE President and Secretariate by the end of February every year with the following supporting documents.

1) Name, position the curriculum vitae, and a publication list of the nominee (with Title of the paper for nomination for Outstanding Young Researcher Award)

2) A copy of nomination material (Original journal publication or offprint of the major article)

3) A letter of nomination/self-nomination introducing the candidate and providing a supporting rationale for the nomination

Article 5: Selection

1) JASTE shall set up the Kira Award Selection Committee to select the winner of the award.

2) Selection Committee shall consist of five members (one member shall concurrently serve as the Kira Award manager) that are elected by the Board of Trustees. The Chair of the Selection Committee shall be elected by the committee members. Duration of service for the Selection Committee shall conform to their term of office as the president and the board members.

3) The President shall request the Selection Committee to select the recipients of the Kira Award. The Chair of the Selection Committee may summon experts to supplement the Committee set forth in item 2 if necessary.

4) Selection Committee members shall immediately commence selection from the list of candidates so that the results shall be reported to the President before the Board Meeting held prior to the General Meeting (the end of June every year). The President shall bring forth the results to the Board meeting for approval to finalize the recipients of the Kira Award (in principal, two or one for Outstanding Young Researcher Awards, one individual or one group for Distinguished Achievement and Contribution Award).

5) The Chair of the Selection Committee shall report the selection process at the General Meeting.

Article 6: Presentation of the Awards

The President shall grant a certificate and prize money (amount to be determined by the Board Meeting) at the General Meeting to the approved recipients of the Kira Award (in principal, two or one for Outstanding Young Researcher Awards, one individual or one group for Distinguished Achievement and Contribution Award)


Ayako Sasaki General Secretariat of The Japan Society of Tropical Ecology (JASTE) College of Bioresource Sciences, Nihon University Kameino 1866, Fujisawa, Kanagawa, Japan 252-0880 Email:




事務局通信 JASTE35 のお知らせ JASTE34公開シンポジウム報告 佐々木綾子 JASTE34託児補助・サテライト企画報告 四方 篝 JASTE34評価とダイバーシティに関するアンケート結果報告 四方 篝・神崎 護


事務局通信 第34回総会議案の承認についてのお願い 新刊紹介 奥田敏統・平塚基志 日本熱帯生態学会研究助成報告書 駒田夏生


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