/Journal TROPICS
学会誌『TROPICS/熱帯研究』は年2回発行するオープンアクセスの英文学術誌で、学会員以外の投稿も受け付けています。Tropicsは熱帯地域の生態学および生態学関連科学のあらゆる側面に関する、原著論文、総説、フィールドノートを掲載します。これらの論文は、その全部または一部が未発表のオリジナル研究で、他誌へ投稿(予定を含む)がない必要があります。Tropicsは2017年からEmerging Sources Citation Index(ESCI)に掲載され、2023年に最初のジャーナルインパクトファクター0.7を獲得しました。
Tropics is an international, peer-reviewed and open access journal published twice a year with one volume consisting of two issues by the Japan Society of Tropical Ecology (JASTE). Tropics publishes papers covering all aspects of ecology and ecology-related science about tropical regions. Papers are limited to three types: original articles, reviews, and field notes. Each paper must be a report of original research which has not been previously published in whole or in part, and is not under consideration for publication at any other journal. Manuscripts should be written in English. Tropics has been listed in Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) since 2017 and received its first journal impact factor 0.7 in 2023.
TROPICS/熱帯研究 投稿規定
Instruction for Contributors (PDF)
Tropics Instructions for Manuscript preparation (PDF)
Submission Form (Docx)
OR please refer to the following link for further information (Link).

Full text PDF files of recent volumes are available at J-STAGE.

【日本語 Japanese】
【英 語 English】